Message Card for Week of Dec 27, 2021
The Squirrel Card
How does this message card help you improve your intuition? Look at the image, read the text, then close your eyes and see what thoughts come to you. This is an opportunity to listen to your intuitive voice and see how your information plays out in your life this week. It’s all just practice!
The Squirrel Card: Gathering energy and resources towards oneself is not the same as being selfish. It is important to start from a place that believes there is enough to go around; enough for everyone and that, by you having plenty, you are not denying someone else their fair share of things. Drawing this card means to draw towards yourself things that nurture or sustain you. It could mean finding a new book or a new friend. It could mean making sure you get enough food today. It could mean making sure you bring your coat along if it is cold or plenty of water if it is hot. It could also mean to show caution about buying something that you don’t really need today. If you want to go into debt to buy something, make sure that the rewards you get from the purchase outweigh the burden of extending yourself financially, putting yourself at risk if you have a sudden financial need, not want.
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