Message for 2/7/22

Our Honest Reaction to these times.

I didn’t pick this card on purpose, I drew it. This just shows how valid using any form of messaging works, if that is your intention.

Don’t take this advice to mean that you should stop living your life, that is for those that don’t live in or near Ukraine. The challenge for the rest of the world right now is to know that we can not go into war with Russia. We can send money and help as best we can. But most important is to hold the light for the country of Ukraine. For the people. And for the people of Russia who are being kept in the dark. I feel anger rising in me and I must convert it to light and love. That is the big growth challenge for all of us now.

This will pass eventually, one way or another. I watch as much as I can as this is history in the making. I watch, then I attend to my emotional body. My mental body understands why we can’t be involved militarily, but my emotional body has a very hard time not diving into the fight. So pray, meditate, do what every you to to elevate your own soul to hold more light. Know that your doing that will help send light to that dark place in the world. Blessing to you all.

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