Our message for 3/21/22

Find beauty as a reminder to uplift your spirits.

It is a great challenge to stand back and watch what is happening in Eastern Europe. We are wise not to send troops as that would likely be the beginning of WW III. That we are not, and instead are helping the people every way we can, is an indication that we have evolved, as a people, beyond seeing war as a solution. It never really is.

So, what can we do to help ourselves tolerate these days. We can of course send financial support and prayers. But what do we do for ourselves. We can find things of beauty around us to appreciate. That will lift our vibration which in turn helps lift the vibration of those around us and, of course, that helps the vibration of all humanity. That seems like a fantasy, but it is not. Quantium Physics has proven this. So look around today, and this week, to find something you can appreciate. It could be a kind word spoken by a stranger, it could be a puppy playing in the park, it could be a beautiful clear blue sky, or the rain that nourishes all the plants.

Blessings to you all.

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