Message Card for May 2, 2022
We see the prices of things going up all across the board, so being mindful of spending is a good idea, but it is important to come from a place that believes there is enough to go around. Rather than going into fear of lack, know that you have enough and always will. Where will the money come from? Where ever it is now!!!!!!
Rather, this card suggests that you draw towards yourself things that nurture or sustain you. It could mean finding a new book or a new friend. It could mean making sure you get enough food today…then give yourself a big comforting self hug! It could also mean to show caution about buying something that you don’t really need this week. If you want to go into debt to buy something, make sure that the rewards you get from the purchase outweigh the burden of extending yourself financially, putting yourself at risk if you have a sudden financial need, not want.
If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!
And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at a wonderful week!

Message Card for May 2, 2022 Read More »