Message Card for Week of 5/16/22

The cheetah is really only a symbol of this affirmation you make. It is an electronic fireball that is the energy of your statement and your intentions. So make the statement – that you intend to have things go smoothly, that you intend to have problems cleared out of your pathway before you arrive there – and send your cheetah out ahead of you in time to take care of it.
It is no accident that I drew this card for us this week. I have been making watercolor paintings of energies, I have been calling angels. Not like we usually think of them in human form with big wings, but rather as pure positive balls of energy. Then I found some glow in the dark paint and painted over the paintings. You can’t see that paint in the daylight, but in the dark it glows as a reminder that they are always with you. Sample attached.
So if it is easier to visualize an angel, or a ball of positive energy clearing your pathway, remember it is your intention, your asking for the help, that makes it so. Try it this week!
If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!
And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at a wonderful week!
Message Card for Week of 5/16/22 Read More »