Message for Week of 2/21/22

This is a most important card to have been drawn this week. Tomorrow is 2/22/2022. That makes it a very powerful day to focus your energies, your intentions on what you want to manifest in your life. Make some time for yourself to think about that this week.

In some cultures, the great water is the symbol used to represent human consciousness.  It is vast beyond comprehension and oh so mysterious.  It is rich with potential and nourishment.  Most of the time, we are busy with our duties on the land; the duties of every day life.  But there are times when it is important to stop and look out upon the water, to ponder what deeper understanding there is available to us.  This card indicates that this is a time of opportunity to deepen some aspect of your understanding of life, of your life or life around you.  Take a few moments some time today to ponder what that means to you.


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