As is usual, the card drawn is great advice for the time that it is drawn. Last week was SO stressful for many of us, and this card reminds us to take a little time to comfort ourselves so our bodies don’t absorb the stress.
It is sometimes necessary to stop the push to fix everything for just a moment and nurture the tools you use to accomplish peace of mind. You or someone you know needs a little tender loving care this week. It could be in the form of kind words, comforting food, a one-minute shoulder rub, or just putting off tackling a major challenge for another day. Find the home that is in your heart. Find your comfort valley.
And you can still enter the contest to win a 30 minute zoom call with Robbie to talk about your intuition. The next drawing will be June 9th and there will be two more after that! https://voiceofsoul.wishpondpages.com/30min-giveaway/
If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, voiceofsoul.org. Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!
And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at https://youtu.be/ukUaS6epTjo
Have a wonderful week!