
Message card for 6/27/22

As is usual, the card drawn is great advice for the time that it is drawn. Last week was SO stressful for many of us, and this card reminds us to take a little time to comfort ourselves so our bodies don’t absorb the stress.

It is sometimes necessary to stop the push to fix everything for just a moment and nurture the tools you use to accomplish peace of mind. You or someone you know needs a little tender loving care this week. It could be in the form of kind words, comforting food, a one-minute shoulder rub, or just putting off tackling a major challenge for another day. Find the home that is in your heart. Find your comfort valley.

And you can still enter the contest to win a 30 minute zoom call with Robbie to talk about your intuition. The next drawing will be June 9th and there will be two more after that!

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at

Have a wonderful week!

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Message Card for 6/20/22

This deck of cards has symbols that are easy for us to grasp, so relax your thinking and see what this symbol means to you. Does it speak to you?

The wise messenger for us this week is The Turtle card. Steady progress, trust, mother earth kind of stability, silent support, these are all with you now. Let the decisions you make be guided by this energy. Let all your actions be guided by these principles. Be patient in waiting for results. Trust that they will come in time. Center yourself in your belly and ground yourself to the earth. This is not a race day. This is a day to remain centered, steady, and unwavering in your progress towards what you want or want to achieve.

And you can still enter the contest to win a 30 minute zoom call with Robbie to talk about your intuition. The next drawing will be June 9th and there will be two more after that!

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at

Have a wonderful week!

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Message Card for 6/6/22

It seems like new information is coming to light daily about so may different things in the world. The information is not necessarily bad or good, it is just not yet in our conscious minds. It either hasn’t been made apparent to us yet, or we are not yet fully aware of it. If you remember times that you said “I had a feeling about that” or “I just KNEW something or other but ignored it.”, this might be what is happening this week. If you have a sense about something, pay attention to it. Those hunches are often your soul voice trying to talk to you but since it can not present “hard evidence” to your rational mind, it often goes ignored. Learning to listen to this information and then watching how the information plays out is how you learn the difference between your soul voice and the many others that talk to you, such as guilt and fear. It is like learning to walk or talk, we just need practice.

And you can still enter the contest to win a 30 minute zoom call with Robbie to talk about your intuition. The next drawing will be June 9th and there will be two more after that!

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at

Have a wonderful week!

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Message Card for 5/30/22

Night Sky

When the light of the sun is shining bright on something, our mind records what it sees and considers the object to be solid, well defined, and inflexible as to what it “is” – what its form and substance is.

By contrast, thoughts and ideas are in the beginning stages, formless by nature. Sort of a “sketch” of what they can become. Bringing a thought into the light and solidifying and “defining” it too soon may stop the development process before it is ready…perhaps even diminishing its potential.

What this card is advising is that you find a quiet moment and place that is safe and “daydream” in your own vast universe of thought. Like Peter Pan, soar freely into your own “night sky” of consciousness with no expectation of an end result.

Rejuvenate yourself.

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at

Have a wonderful week!

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Message Card for Week of 5/23/22

Message Card for Week of May 23, 2022The mechanics of how we “guide” ourselves are becoming more and more clear. We may get an original insight, idea, plan, or direction from our higher selves, but then it seems to be turned over to our mind/ego to make it happen, to drive it into reality. Because on some level, we know it came from our highest source of ideas, we dig in with all our will to bring this great idea into reality. It is our nature to practice manifesting ideas, especially great ones. It can be as simple as how to solve a problem at work, or wanting to set up a lunch date so two friends can meet. However, sometimes we need to stop “pushing” and take another listen. That is what is being asked of you this week. Try to go with the flow. Stop pushing and listen. Then move again. Then listen again. Then move again. Learning to master this process is nothing short of developing great wisdom, and the more of us that develop that wisdom, the more smoothly things will flow for all of humanity…and the more that will REALLY be accomplished. Remember you are not turning the power over to some other force; you are just learning to listen to your own higher force.

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at a wonderful week!

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Message Card for Week of 5/16/22

The cheetah is really only a symbol of this affirmation you make. It is an electronic fireball that is the energy of your statement and your intentions. So make the statement – that you intend to have things go smoothly, that you intend to have problems cleared out of your pathway before you arrive there – and send your cheetah out ahead of you in time to take care of it.

It is no accident that I drew this card for us this week. I have been making watercolor paintings of energies, I have been calling angels. Not like we usually think of them in human form with big wings, but rather as pure positive balls of energy. Then I found some glow in the dark paint and painted over the paintings. You can’t see that paint in the daylight, but in the dark it glows as a reminder that they are always with you. Sample attached.

So if it is easier to visualize an angel, or a ball of positive energy clearing your pathway, remember it is your intention, your asking for the help, that makes it so. Try it this week!

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at a wonderful week!

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