
Thoughts for 2/14/22

Get in touch with your own wisdom this week, and yes, you do have wisdom….

The owl is not arrogant in his wisdom.  He silently goes about his work in the dark with the ability to see ever so much more than anyone else can see.  While most need the full light of the sun to see, he can see in the darkness.  Use these abilities  to see what is not obvious on the surface of things, to see into the energies that sit behind the more obvious material world.  Penetrate but without intrusion.  Be wise with what information you uncover as you enhance your own “owl” vision.

This beautiful art work was created by Rhonda Pettit Anderson. I met her in the 1970’s when we were all airbrushing t-shirts! She has continued her creative growth beyond belief and she continues to surprise me with her gifts. She also painted The Cheetah card. Her husband, Andy Anderson, painted The Eagle card. Andy was the lead airbrush artists and a hang glider pilot with Flight Realities!

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What to think about this week.

Lift your spirits by doing this! Being grateful and aware!

This is a very valuable and self nurturing skill. It is very worthy of developing.  Being thankful for anything at all raises your level of energy and is extremely beneficial on all levels.  Yet it is so simple to do that we just don’t think about it.  Throughout the day today, look for things that are good in your life.  There is ALWAYS something.  That is a fact of life.  Even in the worst, most stressful times, there is always something that you can be thankful for.  Even if it is as simple as a drink of cool, clear water that is refreshing to your dry throat.  Or something really big such as a friend that is always there for you … or even just sometimes there for you.  Today is the day to look for things to be grateful for.  You don’t even have to say it out loud but do at least make the acknowledgement internally.  See how many you can identify today, or seek just one really quality experience to be thankful for.  Then, in the moment that you acknowledge it, see how YOU feel.  So simple to do.  So wonderful to feel.

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Message Card for Week of 1/31/2022

Warming up your world.

For your own benefit and for the benefit of those around you, humans and pets alike, this is SO easy to do. Imagine if your neighbor did this for you, how good it would feel.

The woman who I used as a model for this illustration was Zeinab Mohamed Blanda, a woman i met who was living in the middle of war in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. With the sounds of war in the background, in a refugee camp for those displaced by the civil war, she gathered women together to share meals and to promote peace. She said “Because it was a displaced area — it is not my village and it is not your village, it was a place that accommodated all of us — we had to respect each other and live in peace. And we carried that peace through the women leaders to the community.”

If she was brave enough to organize these gatherings in the middle of war, sure we can take a moment to find a place of love and forgiveness in the safety of our own homes.

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Message Card for Week of Jan 24, 2022

Have fun this week!

Your challenge this week is to HAVE FUN! This is what we learn from our teachers, the Sea Otters!

Of all the cards, this one is the most fascinating.  How could it be that these animals that live in the wild and compete for food to survive seem to have so much fun doing it?  They make life seem easy and fun.  No struggle at all!  How can they be that way?

Life doesn’t HAVE to be hard.  Life CAN be fun.  Being playful does not necessarily mean one is frivolous or unproductive.  It can actually mean quite the opposite.

Find and do things today that make you laugh.  Read the cartoons in the paper.  Play a game, even if it is just one game of solitaire on your computer.  Do it without guilt and notice that you get a little boost of energy.  See the improvement in your problem solving abilities when you get back to work.

Fun, when sincere, brings success.  People are attracted to it.  Ideas flow more easily to a relaxed and positive mind.  Figure out how to get there today.  If drawing this card makes you mad, than just have a good laugh at yourself!

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Message Card for Jan 17, 2022

Shifting Energies

Something to practice this week!

The symbol of the storm is simply a symbol of energies in the process of moving around, changing positions.  It is not necessarily a time of physical destruction, but rather a time of energetic reorganization.  If you look carefully, you can see something changing around you today, and it is advised that you merely observe the change without jumping into the fray. 

After you can sense that the shift is complete, readjust yourself in relation to the newly revised situation.  Know that this is not your battle, even though the outcome may affect you.  Practice making contact with your own highest spiritual observer today.  It will take you “above the storm” to see the bigger picture.  Even if the clarity comes to you at a later date, it is a good opportunity to practice the “dialogue”.  Simply ask for the help, then stand back out of the way of it all.

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Message Card for 1/10/2022

Can I? Do you ask yourself when you have an intuitive thought? The trick is to know if it is coming from your higher self or from your ego or from your guilt or from????? When you learn to feel the difference by observation over time, you will KNOW, when you have a thought, if you can manifest it. Don’t let past failures stop you when it ‘feels’ right!

Your faith in how things work for you is best based on your own experience, rather than on the experiences of someone else.  You must observe things yourself; you must KNOW things to be true.  As an active meditation on this, plant something and watch it grow.  Take a potato, put four toothpicks in its side and suspend half of it in a jar of water.  Set it by a window in indirect light and keep water in the jar.  Then watch it grow.  Once it gets going, watch how fast and big it grows.  How does that simple plain brown potato manifest all those beautiful green leaves?  It transforms from latent to manifestor.  It uses the air, light, and water around it to unlock its own potential for beauty.  The same is true with all bulbs and seeds…even seeds of ideas.  They don’t have to be big thoughts that will change the world, just thoughts that your soul is meant to manifest.  Find your seed thoughts, plant them and allow them to grow.

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Message Card for 1/3/2022

Can you hear me now? Is that what your soul voice/intuition is asking you. It is often very quiet and hard to differentiate between other voices in your head, such as someone you are concerned about pleasing. So look at this card, read the message, then practice this week learning to hear your higher self voice!

On any give day you never know who might be in need of a little uplifting lighthearted conversation.  When positive and happy words flow from you to another, it is as if you are feeding them the spiritual nectar of life.  Divine energy flows through all of us, but the more we let it flow FROM us to another person or situation, the more will flow INTO us to replace it.  There is an unlimited supply after all, and there is no real way to “hold on to it.”  The only way to truly keep a steady supply coming to ourselves is to keep giving it away.  And that giving can be as simple as a lighthearted conversation with someone who needs it.  So dress yourself up with a smile today and make an internal statement that you are available to paint light around someone who may need it.

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Message Card for Week of Dec 27, 2021

The Squirrel Card

How does this message card help you improve your intuition? Look at the image, read the text, then close your eyes and see what thoughts come to you. This is an opportunity to listen to your intuitive voice and see how your information plays out in your life this week. It’s all just practice!

The Squirrel Card: Gathering energy and resources towards oneself is not the same as being selfish. It is important to start from a place that believes there is enough to go around; enough for everyone and that, by you having plenty, you are not denying someone else their fair share of things. Drawing this card means to draw towards yourself things that nurture or sustain you. It could mean finding a new book or a new friend. It could mean making sure you get enough food today. It could mean making sure you bring your coat along if it is cold or plenty of water if it is hot. It could also mean to show caution about buying something that you don’t really need today. If you want to go into debt to buy something, make sure that the rewards you get from the purchase outweigh the burden of extending yourself financially, putting yourself at risk if you have a sudden financial need, not want.

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Message card for week of Dec 20, 2021

The message for us this week is not a bad or negative message, it is just telling us that we don’t see the full picture yet. The information you have not yet gotten in touch with is not necessarily bad or good, it is just not yet in your conscious mind.  It either hasn’t been made apparent to you yet, or you are not yet fully aware of it.  If you remember times that you said “I had a feeling about that” or “I just KNEW something or other but ignored it.”, this might be what is happening today.  If you have a sense about something, pay attention to it.  Those hunches are often your soul voice trying to talk to you but since it can not present “hard evidence” to your rational mind, it often goes ignored.  Learning to listen to this information and then watching how the information plays out is how you learn the difference between this voice and the many others that talk to you, such as guilt and fear.  It is like learning to walk or talk, we just need practice.

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