
Message Card for week of 5/9/2022

In some cultures, the great water is the symbol used to represent human consciousness. It is vast beyond comprehension and oh so mysterious. It is rich with potential and nourishment. Most of the time, we are busy with our duties on the land; the duties of every day life. But there are times when it is important to stop and look out upon the water, to ponder what deeper understanding there is available to us. This card indicates that this is a time of opportunity to deepen some aspect of your understanding of life, of your life or life around you. Take a few moments some time this week to ponder what that means to you. Drop me a note if you want to share what comes up for you! info@admin

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, voiceofsoul.org. Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at https://youtu.be/ukUaS6epTjoHave a wonderful week!

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Message Card for May 2, 2022

We see the prices of things going up all across the board, so being mindful of spending is a good idea, but it is important to come from a place that believes there is enough to go around. Rather than going into fear of lack, know that you have enough and always will. Where will the money come from? Where ever it is now!!!!!!

Rather, this card suggests that you draw towards yourself things that nurture or sustain you. It could mean finding a new book or a new friend. It could mean making sure you get enough food today…then give yourself a big comforting self hug! It could also mean to show caution about buying something that you don’t really need this week. If you want to go into debt to buy something, make sure that the rewards you get from the purchase outweigh the burden of extending yourself financially, putting yourself at risk if you have a sudden financial need, not want.

If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the web page, voiceofsoul.org. Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at https://youtu.be/ukUaS6epTjoHave a wonderful week!

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Message Card for Week of 4/25/22

Message Card for Week of 4/25/22

When the light of the sun is shining bright on something, our mind records what it sees and considers the object to be solid, well defined, and inflexible as to what it “is” – what its form and substance is.By contrast, thoughts and ideas are in the beginning stages, formless by nature. Sort of a “sketch” of what they can become. Bringing a thought into the light and solidifying and “defining” it too soon may stop the development process before it is ready…perhaps even diminishing its potential.What this card is advising is that you find a quiet moment and place that is safe and “daydream” in your own vast universe of thought. Like Peter Pan, soar freely into your own “night sky” of consciousness with no expectation of an end result.Rejuvenate yourself.

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Message Card for 4/18/22

We drew this card recently and when we repeat a card, we really must pay attention! I know how much is being taken from people these days so I do think this is truly relevant. I myself have to apologize for not posting last week, but I had a triple hit last Monday! My dog injured his leg causing a large emergency vet bill, I had to prep for a routine medical test, and I had a visit from a lifetime friend who now has early onset Alzheimer’s. Heart breaking for me because we used to be brave hang glider pilots together. Not a great Monday but lots of opportunity for reflection.

And when we look at all that has been lost by the Ukrainian people, I am inspired by their courage to carry on. Yet loss of a person close to you or a thing you value is still hard even without bombs falling all around. At some point it is valuable to ponder what will take the place of that lost treasure. You can’t deny the grief of loss, but then, when ready, look for the new energy to flow in.

The first time I pruned my roses, I hated cutting off branches that had leaves on them. But when the new branches came back with beautiful new leaves and gorgeous roses, I understood. So if you have experienced a loss, beyond your control, do the best to look for the replacement energy. Have a wonderful week!

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Message Card for 4/4/22

We just drew this card in February, but here it is again. Things still are changing, unsettled…and the future is really unknowable right now. This is not a reason to panic. This is a time to hold on to the light, to hold on to what you believe is good in the world, in humanity, in your life. The storm will pass. They always do, and then we are blessed with mother nature responding to the rain it has provided. Take time for yourself to find inner peace…however you do that. Pray, meditate, swim laps, play with your dog, anything that gets rid of the anxiety about things we have no control over. This will pass and the sun will shine again.

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Message Card for 3/28/22

This card reminds us that life is full of ebbs and flows. Things, people, beliefs…move in and out of our lives. It doesn’t mean that if something seems to move away, that it is gone for good. It just means for now. It is like we are all floating down a stream. Sometimes we bump up against an old friend and float together for a while, catch up and share stories, then the current takes us apart again…but we are all still in the same stream!

Change IS inevitable. The quicker and better we adapt the happier and more successful we will be.  If you will really miss what ever is ending, then honestly grieve it for a bit, and then move on, looking forward to whatever is next!

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Our message for 3/21/22

Find beauty as a reminder to uplift your spirits.

It is a great challenge to stand back and watch what is happening in Eastern Europe. We are wise not to send troops as that would likely be the beginning of WW III. That we are not, and instead are helping the people every way we can, is an indication that we have evolved, as a people, beyond seeing war as a solution. It never really is.

So, what can we do to help ourselves tolerate these days. We can of course send financial support and prayers. But what do we do for ourselves. We can find things of beauty around us to appreciate. That will lift our vibration which in turn helps lift the vibration of those around us and, of course, that helps the vibration of all humanity. That seems like a fantasy, but it is not. Quantium Physics has proven this. So look around today, and this week, to find something you can appreciate. It could be a kind word spoken by a stranger, it could be a puppy playing in the park, it could be a beautiful clear blue sky, or the rain that nourishes all the plants.

Blessings to you all.

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Message for 3/14/22

Our message for this week…3/14/22

During the pandemic, many of us reevaluated what is important in our lives and what no longer adds value. This card is reminding us that there still might be more house cleaning to do. Could be objects, could be beliefs, could be relationships. Look at things from your souls honest eyes this week and see what you can let go of. Then wait for something more amazing to take its place.

I recently pruned my roses and the beautiful fresh growth is already bursting forth, happy to have a fresh start!If you want to draw your own card, if you want to hear what your higher self has to say to you this week, you can get the app, Voice of the Soul, for a one time, lifetime use cost of $8.99. Apple or Android versions available. The links are on the home page of voiceofsoul.org. Your soul voice is as close as your phone, and most of us are never far from ours!

And don’t forget to try the FREE guided meditation, available at https://youtu.be/ukUaS6epTjoHave a wonderful week.

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Message for 2/7/22

Our Honest Reaction to these times.

I didn’t pick this card on purpose, I drew it. This just shows how valid using any form of messaging works, if that is your intention.

Don’t take this advice to mean that you should stop living your life, that is for those that don’t live in or near Ukraine. The challenge for the rest of the world right now is to know that we can not go into war with Russia. We can send money and help as best we can. But most important is to hold the light for the country of Ukraine. For the people. And for the people of Russia who are being kept in the dark. I feel anger rising in me and I must convert it to light and love. That is the big growth challenge for all of us now.

This will pass eventually, one way or another. I watch as much as I can as this is history in the making. I watch, then I attend to my emotional body. My mental body understands why we can’t be involved militarily, but my emotional body has a very hard time not diving into the fight. So pray, meditate, do what every you to to elevate your own soul to hold more light. Know that your doing that will help send light to that dark place in the world. Blessing to you all.

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Message for Week of 2/21/22

This is a most important card to have been drawn this week. Tomorrow is 2/22/2022. That makes it a very powerful day to focus your energies, your intentions on what you want to manifest in your life. Make some time for yourself to think about that this week.

In some cultures, the great water is the symbol used to represent human consciousness.  It is vast beyond comprehension and oh so mysterious.  It is rich with potential and nourishment.  Most of the time, we are busy with our duties on the land; the duties of every day life.  But there are times when it is important to stop and look out upon the water, to ponder what deeper understanding there is available to us.  This card indicates that this is a time of opportunity to deepen some aspect of your understanding of life, of your life or life around you.  Take a few moments some time today to ponder what that means to you.

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