Thoughts for 2/14/22

Get in touch with your own wisdom this week, and yes, you do have wisdom….
The owl is not arrogant in his wisdom. He silently goes about his work in the dark with the ability to see ever so much more than anyone else can see. While most need the full light of the sun to see, he can see in the darkness. Use these abilities to see what is not obvious on the surface of things, to see into the energies that sit behind the more obvious material world. Penetrate but without intrusion. Be wise with what information you uncover as you enhance your own “owl” vision.
This beautiful art work was created by Rhonda Pettit Anderson. I met her in the 1970’s when we were all airbrushing t-shirts! She has continued her creative growth beyond belief and she continues to surprise me with her gifts. She also painted The Cheetah card. Her husband, Andy Anderson, painted The Eagle card. Andy was the lead airbrush artists and a hang glider pilot with Flight Realities!
Thoughts for 2/14/22 Read More »