Message Card for 1/3/2022

Can you hear me now? Is that what your soul voice/intuition is asking you. It is often very quiet and hard to differentiate between other voices in your head, such as someone you are concerned about pleasing. So look at this card, read the message, then practice this week learning to hear your higher self voice!

On any give day you never know who might be in need of a little uplifting lighthearted conversation.  When positive and happy words flow from you to another, it is as if you are feeding them the spiritual nectar of life.  Divine energy flows through all of us, but the more we let it flow FROM us to another person or situation, the more will flow INTO us to replace it.  There is an unlimited supply after all, and there is no real way to “hold on to it.”  The only way to truly keep a steady supply coming to ourselves is to keep giving it away.  And that giving can be as simple as a lighthearted conversation with someone who needs it.  So dress yourself up with a smile today and make an internal statement that you are available to paint light around someone who may need it.


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