The message for us this week is not a bad or negative message, it is just telling us that we don’t see the full picture yet. The information you have not yet gotten in touch with is not necessarily bad or good, it is just not yet in your conscious mind. It either hasn’t been made apparent to you yet, or you are not yet fully aware of it. If you remember times that you said “I had a feeling about that” or “I just KNEW something or other but ignored it.”, this might be what is happening today. If you have a sense about something, pay attention to it. Those hunches are often your soul voice trying to talk to you but since it can not present “hard evidence” to your rational mind, it often goes ignored. Learning to listen to this information and then watching how the information plays out is how you learn the difference between this voice and the many others that talk to you, such as guilt and fear. It is like learning to walk or talk, we just need practice.
Message card for week of Dec 20, 2021
