Voice of the Soul Deck of Cards
Following your meditative clearing process, you may utilize the deck of message cards provided to help you gain the answer to a question or to receive advice for that day. The cards provide you with symbolic images and words to stimulate your own thoughts and your curiosity. The images are symbols common to all of us, yet we will each interpret them in a way that is unique to us. They are not meant to ‘tell’ you anything, but rather to evoke wisdom that is available via your subconscious or expanded self. They are not right or wrong. They are not good or bad. They are as divinely inspired or as literal as you allow or desire them to be. They are meant to communicate to you and to uplift your spirits. You may want to display the card for the day at home or in your car or office as a reminder of the message.
When asked, your body will pull out of the deck the card that your higher self wants you to have. It doesn’t matter what system you are using, whether it is opening a book to get the message you need for a given day, or tossing a coin to make a yes/no decision, your body(ies) will support you. I can’t even begin to explain the why of it here, but I have experienced a lifetime of it being true. For centuries farmers have found water for their crops using a dowsing rod for their very survival…which is the same principle at work here.